Re: Understanding 'chaining'

Le 27 nov. 2007 à 18:45, Danny Ayers a écrit :
> While tree-oriented models are rarely first choice for RDF developers
> they can be handy for presentation and are likely to play a big role
> in (X)HTML consumers at large. So I would imagine it fairly important
> to be straightforward to access the RDF in the markup via these views.


> RDFa -> XSLT -> Turtle
> RDFa -> DOM (->treewalker) -> Turtle

I had exactly the same thought than danny. I already my hacking  
friends used to process their XHTML document to create an RSS 1.0 feed  
for example, with XSLT.
The proposal implies that you have to use an RDFa aware processor,  
which could become cool, but makes the step for authoring/processing a  
lot higher.

My thought process was then, as an author what would I like when I  
start to create RDFa markup in my document. What would help me to do  
the job right away and help me to understand the implications of what  
I am doing.

I thought maybe a small widget in the page which is dynamically  
generated. Imagine a JS RDFa parser which create a bitmap image  
(canvas api) or SVG. When a class="rda-view" is caught, it would  
triggered a
graphics in the page.

<div about="#me" rel="foaf:knows" class="rdfa-view">
  <span property="foaf:firstname" content="Ivan">He</span> always had  
a strange
  <span property="foaf:lastname" content="Herman">last name</span>
PS: I would also recommend to make examples with markup from actual  
Web pages so it will be easier to understand (and to advocate ;) )

Karl Dubost - W3C
Be Strict To Be Cool

Received on Wednesday, 28 November 2007 00:24:18 UTC