Re: @about/@instanceof discussion

Ivan Herman wrote:
> I just sent a reply and after I hit the button did I realize that there
> is an important use case that will go wrong with your approach. If I have
> <img src="bla" rel="foaf:depiction"/>
> I can have the triple
> <> foaf:depiction <bla>
> all right, but there is no easy way to set the type of the image (<img>
> cannot have children in the XHTML model...).

That's exactly my point!

> Having said that: after having fought with @instanceof for a while now,
> I have the impression that no matter what we decide, there will be a use
> case where setting the type is awkward. We may have to accept a
> sub-optimal solution, ie, that not everybody will be happy:-)

I disagree... Tell me what you think would be hard to express, and I'll
express it with my rules :)


Received on Thursday, 1 November 2007 15:54:33 UTC