Re: POWDER-related questions about RDFa linkage

Thanks Danny,

Kevin Smith is working on our profile document and has used the GRDDL 
one as a template (which is acknowledged/linked). I'm hoping to have it 
installed at by the end of 
today (assuming the now-in force publication moratorium doesn't prevent 

Incidentally, this also speaks to the point about lobbying the HTML WG 
not to go ahead with its plan to delete the profile attribute just as a 
bunch of us are starting to use it!


Danny Ayers wrote:
> On 01/11/2007, Phil Archer <> wrote:
>> My example 2, with link rel="powder" is not related to RDFa - that's
>> just straight HTML+POWDER, the point being that, if all we're doing is
>> linking a doc to a Description Resource, RDFa's potential is probably
>> being under-used.
> I can't comment on the RDFa side, but the use of a HTML profile there
> seems exactly in line with what would be expected for GRDDL, with the
> profile doc provided the appropriate linkage to the appropriate XSLT,
> as in:
> (apologies for linking to one of my own creations, but I'm not sure of
> any other examples online which only show the bare minimum necessary
> for GRDDL/HTML profiles)
> Cheers,
> Danny.

Received on Thursday, 1 November 2007 12:47:39 UTC