POWDER-related questions about RDFa linkage


As you and others have been kind enough to look at the potential usage 
of RDFa and POWDER, I'd like to ask a couple of questions please.

I'd like to significantly improve what we say about RDFa, either in the 
Rec Track Description Resources doc [1] or, if more appropriate, in a 
non-normative POWDER Primer we'll be starting work on later this month.

Easier question first. Can I ask you for a sanity check on this example 

Example 1

     <title>The English Civil War</title>
     <link rel="wdr:describedBy" 
href="http://education.example.org/powder.rdf#DR_1" />
     <p>Charles I came to the throne believing in his Divine Right to 

That is, a single use of wdr:describedBy at document level. Actually, 
for this kind of linkage from an HTML doc, the usual way will be to use 
an HTML profile we're drafting and a relationship type of powder thus:

Example 2

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <head profile="http://www.w3.org/2007/10/powder-profile">
       <link rel="powder"
          href="http://education.example.org/powder.rdf#DR_1" />
       <title>The English Civil War</title>
       <p>Charles I came to the throne believing in his Divine Right to 

But I'm really hoping that RDFa can be used for more powerful things. In 
particular, that we can use it to link to a Description Resource that 
describes the target of a hyperlink as simply as possible. If I 
understand RDFa correctly that means doing something like this:

Example 3

     <title>The English Civil War</title>
     <link rel="wdr:describedBy" 
href="http://education.example.org/powder.rdf#DR_1" />
     <p>Charles I came to the throne believing in his
     <link about="#divRight" rel="wdr:describedBy"
     <a href="http://education.example.org/divine_right.html"
          id="divRight">Divine Right</a> to rule...

So we have a hyperlink in the document to one about divine right. That 
second document is the subject of a triple thus:


is there a more terse way of creating this triple within the RDFa/XHTML?

I guess the problem is that would entail having two href attributes in a 
single hyperlink, which is silly, but the use cases are pretty clear for 
us. For example, imagine that the English Civil War document is mobileOK 
and is being displayed on a mobile device - should my browser display 
the hyperlink to the divine right document or not? If it's mobileOK too 
(as declared in DR_2) then the answer's yes, if not, then just show the 
text without the hyperlink.

Finally, how far can we go in a Rec Track document that we're hoping to 
declare as at Last Call after next week's face to face? Is Example 1 
sound? Is Example 3 sound?

Thanks very much for your help,


[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/WD-powder-dr-20070925/#semlink

Received on Thursday, 1 November 2007 11:36:41 UTC