Re: [RDFa] rdf:XMLLiteral (was RE: Missing issue on the list: identification of RDFa content)

Hi all,

I'm taking another look at RDFa to see how it and eRDF can be better 
friends :)

I'm looking specifically at the default of XMLLiteral. I've read Mark's 
clear explanation of the thinking behind it[1] and understand the 
arguments. My preference, from a usability and "principle of least 
surprise" point of view is for the default to be plain literals. 
However, I'm still working through the various pros/cons.

I have a question which I couldn't find an answer to in my reading of 
the syntax doc[2]. How would the following triple be encoded in RDFa 
(given usual namespace prefix mappings):

<> dc:title "RDF or Bust" .

The natural place for this to fit would be on the <title> element of the 
HTML document, or possible on an <h1>.


Received on Friday, 16 March 2007 13:23:41 UTC