Pseudo-code for the state where we are no (the way I understand it...)

Hi all,

I wanted to check whether we have at least a consistent and
not-too-complex algorithm as of now for RDFa. So I sat down and I wrote
a more or less pseudo-code in Python:

It lacks proper namespace amd @xml:base handling, @lang issues, that
sorts of things, and there is only a placeholder to the literal
generation. But the core of the whole RDFa management is a relatively
simple recursive function. Bottomline: it seems to be implementable
relatively simply.

What I did was to combine Ben's description, except that I took out
@about from his list (this seems to have led to issues) and I combined
it with the shorthands for lists and collections. It does not include
the infamous "_:" constrution:-(

It needs some work if I wanted to turn that into a full implementation:
namespace handling, whatever we do (or we do not do) for curies should
be settled and done, check whether all I did with RDFLib is kosher, etc.
But I believe that is only handcrafting, nothing major there.

It helped me. Maybe it helps somebody else, that is the reason of this




Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
PGP Key:

Received on Wednesday, 1 August 2007 15:01:30 UTC