Re: hGRRDL for hCard: test case of a GRDDL transformation to produce RDFa from hCards

Shane McCarron a écrit :
> Nice work!  Note that neither the source document in [1], nor the 
> generated xhtml+rdfa in [2], are quite valid. The first is missing a 
> DOCTYPE declaration,
This should be fixed.

> the second is missing the DOCTYPE with an internal subset to declare 
> the additional xmlns attributes.  (We know that is inelegant and are 
> working on it, but in the interests of having test cases be valid...)
> If you need assistance making these documents valid XHTML, please let 
> me know.

Well I could need some help here because I can imagine that what needs 
to be added is something like:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
  <!ATTLIST html
      xmlns:v CDATA #FIXED ""
      xmlns:rdf CDATA #FIXED ""
      xmlns:h CDATA #FIXED ""
      xmlns CDATA #FIXED ""

However my transform takes an xhtml (that may have some DOCTYPE with an 
internal subset to declare the additional xmlns attributes) and should 
produce a new xhtml file with a DOCTYPE with an internal subset possibly 
merging new additional xmlns attributes with old ones and I don't know 
how to do that in XSLT. i.e. I think I can make the test case valid but 
I don't think I can automate this in the transformation.

Fabien -

Received on Thursday, 19 April 2007 13:47:43 UTC