hGRRDL for hCard: test case of a GRDDL transformation to produce RDFa from hCards


Yesterday I was the happy winner of an action to start a test case on 
[NEW] ACTION: Fabien to take action on testcase for 
microformat+XHTML->RDFa (i.e. hGRDDL). [ recorded in 
http://www.w3.org/2007/04/18-grddl-wg-minutes.html#action08 ]

Here is what I have done; feedback is very welcome:

1 - I generated an hCard using the hCard creator
Creator: http://microformats.org/code/hcard/creator
hCard result: 

2 - I created a GRDDL transform to add RDFa in a file containing hCards
Here is my hGRDDL for hCard:
The hCard has a transform link to this transformation but I couldn't get 
the GRDDL demo to run on it.
However the application of this transforms produces a new XHTML file 
containing hCard and RDFa:

3 - I tested the RDFa result with the bookmarlets
The Get N3 bookmarlet is missing the v:adr object:
<#hcard-Fabien-Lucien-Gandon> v:adr <>;
But looking at the code I do think the RDFa is right.

4 - I tested the RDFa3RDFXML on the output
The produced RDFa is itself a GRDDL source document so I called the 
transformation on it and got the following RDF/XML:


Fabien - http://www.inria.fr/acacia/fabien/

Received on Thursday, 19 April 2007 10:27:42 UTC