Re: XHTML-RDFa test cases for Validator Re: XHTML-RDFa draft made public

It really comes down to a (minor) misunderstanding of how M12N and the 
M12N DTD implementation works.  You can indeed use any namespaces you 
want as long as you declare them in the internal subset.  I attach a 
document that I hacked up from something Ben sent me earlier today as an 
example - works fine in the validator.

Karl Dubost wrote:
> (adding olivier Thereaux and public-qa-dev)
> Shane, Ben,
> Le 3 avr. 2007 à 03:57, Ben Adida a écrit :
>> Shane McCarron wrote:
>>> huh?  You can specify any xmlns prefixing you want.  There is a syntax
>>> and an internal subset needed if you want to do it, but its pretty
>>> trivial.  What are you trying to accomplish?
>> Try putting an xmlns on any element except the HEAD, and the validator
>> will complain. I think it's a DTD validation weirdness, nothing to do
>> with your DTD specifically.
> Could you come with a set of *individual* test cases illustrating your 
> points.
> So we can incorporate in the Markup Validator test suites.
> Usually it helps to detect the problems and to have a better 
> understanding of issues if there are.
> --Karl Dubost -
> W3C Conformance Manager, QA Activity Lead
>   QA Weblog -
>      *** Be Strict To Be Cool ***

Shane P. McCarron                          Phone: +1 763 786-8160 x120
Managing Director                            Fax: +1 763 786-8180
ApTest Minnesota                            Inet:

Received on Tuesday, 3 April 2007 02:29:47 UTC