update: TF page, RDFa documents, and portable bookmarklets

Hi team,

I've updated the TF page to include our tentative schedule and updated
links to the bookmarklets:

I've started new versions of the RDFa Syntax and RDFa Primer documents
(with no edits yet except for standardization of the RDFa name):

(Elias, if you want to start fixing things, you should feel free to do
so, just send me a quick note to let me know what you're editing so we
don't duplicate work.)

I've also updated the bookmarklet code so that it is portable: you can
now drop the bookmarklet static directory into any web server (in
particular one that runs on localhost), and the bookmarklet links get
automatically adjusted to be wherever the files are served from. This is
done using a bit of Javascript to update the bookmarklet link itself
when the bookmarklet instruction page is loaded.

I did not version the bookmarklet directory (it's still 2006-05-22),
because none of the BM code has actually changed, just the page that
serves up the bookmarklets themselves.

So, if you'd like to use the bookmarklets on a different server,
localhost or otherwise, do the following:

1) download the bookmarklets tar file

2) untar it into any static web directory

3) point your web browser to that web directory and hit the instruction

4) drag the bookmarklets to your bookmarks bar

5) have fun!

Note that if you move the bookmarklet directory, you have to remove your
bookmarklets and go get new ones (repeat steps 3 and 4).


Received on Sunday, 8 October 2006 13:15:30 UTC