RE: RDFa and its relationship to XHTML

Hi Karl/Dan,

(Hope you don't mind me rolling your email in with this one, Dan. :)

> Le 06-06-08 à 22:01, Mark Birbeck a écrit :
> > RDFa can therefore be used *today* for simple metadata structures 
> > (rel="tag", for example), but provides many mechanisms to get more 
> > advanced, should you need it. By being built on HTML metadata 
> > principles it takes a generic approach--i.e., any language can be 
> > marked up and interpreted by any RDFa parser, without 
> having to know 
> > anything about the language being parsed.
> Could you give a document which
> 	1. uses a subset of possible RDFa features
> 	2. is a valid document HTML 4.01 or XHTML 1.0
> I think that would help to have concrete test cases for everyone.

Sure. The following page uses a subset of RDFa, and validates as XHTML 1.0


Near the bottom of the page you'll see this:


which is perfectly 'correct' RDFa.

Unfortunately, this page also uses @rel in a slightly 'awkward' way. Each
news item is marked up as follows:

   title="Experts Share Perspectives on Web Standards at
     Fundamentos Web 2006"
  >News archive</a>

@rel is being used here to indicate to a GRDDL transform that the value in
the @href attribute is the URI of an rss:item, i.e., the *subject* of a
statement. This technique of ignoring existing semantics provided by the
document in favour of some specific, context-based interpretation, is not
dissimilar to the approach taken by microformats.

RDFa takes a different approach, in that it tries to preserve the hooks that
HTML has for semantic information, but of course builds on them since we
need more. So in the case of @rel we have the following definition in HTML

  This attribute describes the relationship from the
  current document to the anchor specified by the href
  attribute. The value of this attribute is a
  space-separated list of link types. [1]

In RDF terms, @rel is playing the role of a predicate (or list of
predicates) between the document as subject, and the value in the @href
attribute as object. RDFa did not 'invent' the use of @rel and @rev, but
rather documented how it should be interpreted by a parser that is looking
for RDF triples.

RDFa uses this predicate 'hook' to good effect, by recommending mark-up such
as this:

  This document is licensed under a
  <a rel="license" 
      Creative Commons License

This example is not changing the HTML 4.01 meaning, in that @rel provides a
predicate for the document. But defining what triples are generated when
parsing this is incredibly powerful (it's what Ben once described as
"bridging the clickable and semantic webs"), and you don't need to go
anywhere else to know what this means.

Now, we know very well that you will often want to make statements about
things that aren't in the document, and that is why we introduced @about. Of
course it's an _extension_ to XHTML, but we think it is a minor one to make
given the benefits that it gives us. The alternative is to have absolutely
no knowledge of the meaning of statements without reading one or more
external GRDDL transforms. This means that:

  * you always have to look elsewhere for the meaning;

  * you have to ignore the HTML meaning of @rel
    because it has now been hijacked to be as vague
    as @class;

  * as microformats are finding now, you may find you
    get vocabularies not playing well together.

So the full mark-up for an RSS news item on the W3C home page (ready for
GRDDL) is as follows:

<div id="x20050714a" class="item">
  <h3>Experts Share Perspectives on Web Standards ...</h3>

    <span class="date">2006-06-06:</span>
    The W3C Spanish Office...

    <span class="archive">
         title="Experts Share Perspectives on Web Standards at
           Fundamentos Web 2006"
        >News archive</a>

In this mark-up the @rel attribute (set to "details") as defined by HTML
4.01, *should be* establishing a relationship between the current document
and the external news story, but GRDDL is overriding this, and in fact is
making the value in the @href the *subject* of the statements.

RDFa proposes that the @about attribute provides us with a *generic* way of
addressing these extremely common use cases, such as RSS feeds. This
particular example might look like this:

 id="x20050714a" class="item"
  <h3>Experts Share Perspectives on Web Standards ...</h3>

    <span class="date">2006-06-06:</span>
    The W3C Spanish Office...

    <span class="archive">
         title="Experts Share Perspectives on Web Standards at
           Fundamentos Web 2006"
        >News archive</a>

As you can see, the @about attribute sets the context for subsequent @rel
and @rev values. (Note also that the @rel value changed from "details" to
"link", since it can now represent what it *really* is in RSS, a predicate
called 'link' with a value of the item's URI.)

Of course I'm ignoring the namespace issues because they become relevant
only when you want to be sure that your statements are globally unique. And
we've picked quite a complicated example, which will also need the @property
attribute from RDFa.

But that does not affect the key point which is that RDFa's use of @rel and
@rev is *already standard*, and what's more *preserves* rather than
overriding that standard.

So, to sum up:

1. RDFa encourages @rel and @rev to be used as intended by HTML, and not to
overload this attribute, or ignore its semantics. It's interpretation should
be as a predicate on the current document, with @href providing the resource
that is the object.

2. RDFa suggests also that namespaces are used to qualify the predicates
provided by @rel and @rev, if your statements need to be part of RDF-world.

These two steps would still allow a document to be validated.

3. RDFa also proposes that the @about attribute is a convenient way to
'qualify' or 'scope' the use of @rel and @rev, that builds on the spirit of
the original HTML specification of those attributes.

4. RDFa proposes the use of @property to provide predicates for text items,
such as rss:title in the above example.

These steps take us out of standard HTML territory, but are easily added
with XHTML 1.1 modules.



[1] <>

Mark Birbeck
CEO Ltd.

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Received on Thursday, 8 June 2006 16:57:35 UTC