RE: [ALL] RDF/A Primer Version

Comment on
RDF/A Primer $Id: 2006-01-24-rdfa-primer.xml,v 1.7 2006/01/24 16:43:20 adida Exp $

The example:

        <title>Jo Lamda's Home Page</title>
            Hello. This is <span property="foaf:name">Jo Lamda</span>'s
            home page.
            If you want to contact me at work, you can
            either <a rel="foaf:mbox" href="">email
                me</a>, or call <span property="foaf:phone">+1 777 888 9999</span>.

... gives the following triples (assuming that the above is the content of Jo's home page):

  foaf:name "Jo Lambda";
  foaf:mbox <>;
  foaf:phone "+1 777 888 9999".

What is the URI <> being used to denote? Jo? Jo's home page? Both?

How is it possible for Terri's contact software to 'extract' the 'information':

foaf:homepage = ""

... where no such triple is given in the content, unless it 'knows' to handle home pages containing RDF/A in a special way?

If the example were to be:

        <title>Jo Lamda's Home Page</title>
            Hello. This is <span property="foaf:name">Jo Lamda</span>'s
            <a rel="foaf:homepage" href="">home page</a>.

... it would give the additional triple:

<> foaf:homepage <>.

How does Terri's contact software handle this? How should other applications handle this?

As I understand it, if you want to use the URI <> to _indirectly identify_ Jo, you have to do something like:

_:aaa foaf:homepage <>;
  _:aaa foaf:name "Jo Lambda".

Similarly, if you want to use the URI of Jo's internet mail box <> to _indirectly identify_ Jo, you have to do something like:

_:aaa foaf:mbox <>;
  _:aaa foaf:name "Jo Lambda".

Then, because foaf:mbox is an inverse functional property (as is foaf:homepage), if it were declared that:

_:bbb foaf:mbox <>.

... we could arrive at the conclusion:

_:bbb owl:sameAs _:aaa.

... which in turn would lead to the conclusion:

_:bbb foaf:name "Jo Lambda".

(Is this correct?)

This was what I understood by 'indirect identification' as implemented in RDF/OWL.

To say:

<> foaf:name "Jo Lambda".

... is to use the URI <> to _directly identify_ both Jo and her home page. I.e. this is a URI collision. If both Jo's home page URI and her internet mail box URI were used to _directly identify_ Jo, you could end up drawing the conclusion that:

<> owl:sameAs <>.

Surely we want to avoid that? 



Received on Wednesday, 25 January 2006 18:37:13 UTC