Re: secondary resources

Jeremy Carroll wrote:
> Booth, David (HP Software - Boston) wrote:
>>>    Reading the RDF/XML representation returned, we learn that
>>>    is a Male Person:
>>> [[
>>> <rdf:Description 
>>> rdf:about="">
>>>        <rdf:type
>> rdf:resource=""/>
>>>        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
>>>        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
>>> ]]
>> Okay.  I only received text/html (XHTML 1.0 Transitional) from
>> when I just tried it, but I'm
>> assuming it also sends RDF/XML if it gets the right Accept headers.
> I cheated, I asked for, I'll see 
> if I can get Jena to get that file with the URL 
> and report back.

Hmmmm, I used the TamperData extension to firefox ... in an attempt to 
force the accept header to be appliction/rdf+xml.

While I am not sure I did it correctly, if I did, the server does not 
serve the .rdf file at that URL, but only in response to
for which it provides a 302 redirect to
which has the above content.

 From the point of view that DavidB is expressing, the server is saying 
two different things about
but I haven't got it to say them both in response to a GET request on


Received on Thursday, 2 February 2006 16:33:30 UTC