Re: comments on rdfa-primer


I've implemented the comments below. Your comment #2 is important,  
concerning building a full XHTML2 document, but at this time I opted  
for phrasing "document fragment." That said, we should indeed build a  
full one (that ACID test I was talking about).


On Oct 27, 2005, at 8:41 PM, Ralph R. Swick wrote:

> Re: RDF/A Primer 1.0
> note 27 October 2005
> This is an OK first pass, Ben.  Thanks for taking the initiative.
> Please add $Id$ to "This version:" as this is a still-changing  
> document.
> 1. Purpose - please spell out the namespace URIs. Can copy from
>    rdfa-syntax section 2.1.
> 2.1 Textual properties - please make this a complete XHTML2
>   document; i.e. include the necessary minimal markup so the
>   validator will accept it as XHTML2.  (Somewhat ugly but worth it.)
>   Alternatively, you could say "fragment" everywhere you now say
>   "document".
>   Strike the word "clearly".  The readers are using this to learn
>   our language.  Don't presume to tell them that this should be
>   obvious.
> 2.2 Qualifying links - here it's probably easier to start saying
>    "XHTML2 fragment" rather than trying to make complete
>    documents of the examples.
>    "This clickable link has a/+n intended+/ semantic meaning".
>    Let's reserve the language 'semantic meaning" only for those
>    cases where the document actually uses our RDF/A markup.
> 3.1 Qualifying other documents - strike "As expected," (same
>    as "clearly" above.)  Strike "Of course," in the subsequent  
> paragraph.
> 4.1 Bnodes - don't use the class attribute in these examples.  Whether
>    that is really shorthand for rdf:type is an open issue and clouds
>    the point being made in this section.
> -Ralph

Received on Friday, 28 October 2005 03:12:33 UTC