- From: Ralph R. Swick <swick@w3.org>
- Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 20:41:32 -0400
- To: Ben Adida <ben@mit.edu>
- Cc: public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf@w3.org
Re: RDF/A Primer 1.0 note 27 October 2005 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/HTML/2005-rdfa-primer This is an OK first pass, Ben. Thanks for taking the initiative. Please add $Id$ to "This version:" as this is a still-changing document. 1. Purpose - please spell out the namespace URIs. Can copy from rdfa-syntax section 2.1. 2.1 Textual properties - please make this a complete XHTML2 document; i.e. include the necessary minimal markup so the validator will accept it as XHTML2. (Somewhat ugly but worth it.) Alternatively, you could say "fragment" everywhere you now say "document". Strike the word "clearly". The readers are using this to learn our language. Don't presume to tell them that this should be obvious. 2.2 Qualifying links - here it's probably easier to start saying "XHTML2 fragment" rather than trying to make complete documents of the examples. "This clickable link has a/+n intended+/ semantic meaning". Let's reserve the language 'semantic meaning" only for those cases where the document actually uses our RDF/A markup. 3.1 Qualifying other documents - strike "As expected," (same as "clearly" above.) Strike "Of course," in the subsequent paragraph. 4.1 Bnodes - don't use the class attribute in these examples. Whether that is really shorthand for rdf:type is an open issue and clouds the point being made in this section. -Ralph
Received on Friday, 28 October 2005 00:41:43 UTC