Re: CC use case

On Tue, 2005-10-04 at 14:07 +0100, Jeremy Carroll wrote:
> Hi
> Use case statement:
> Add metadata to a document granting a license to use.
> Add metadata concerning that grant, e.g. date of grant and who made the 
> grant.

I had the impression that there was already a pattern of RDF triples
that the creative commons community expected to get.

For example, I see:

Tools for Readers

The easiest way to parse this is with a specialized RDF tool. In Python
we recommend TRAMP. Here's some sample code:

work = Thing(rdf.URI(""), store)
for licence in work[cc.license]:
    if cc.Reproduction in lic[cc.permits]:
        print work[dc.title], "<"+work+">", "by", work[dc.creator][dc.title]

Is the CC use case not constrained to meet the expectations of these

> Possible solution 1 (not advocated):
>    Use reification e.g.
>       <link about="" rel="cc:license" href="[cc:unrestricted]" />
>      <meta about="???" rel="eg:date">4th October</meta>
> where "???" indicates some reification ID for the first triple.
> Possible solution 2:
>    Use a schema which explicitly supports a complex license grant:
> <rdfs:Class rdf:ID="License">
>    <rdfs:comment>A license to use some intellectual property</rdfs:comment>
> </rdfs:Class>
> <rdfs:Class rdf:ID="UnrestrictedLicense">
>    <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="#License"/>

typo? subPropertyOf between classes?

> </rdfs:Class>
> <rdf:Property rdf:ID="licensor">
>     <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#License"/>
>     <rdfs:comment>the legal person granting a license</rdfs:comment>
> </rdf:Property>
> <rdf:Property rdf:ID="hasLicense">
>     <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="???#InformationResource"/>
>     <rdfs:range rdf:resource="#License"/>
> </rdf:Property>
> <rdf:Property rdf:ID="licenseStartDate">
>     <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#License"/>
> </rdf:Property>
> <link about="" rel="eg:hasLicense" href="[_:license]" />
> <link about="[_:license]" rel="rdf:type" 
> rdf:resource="[eg:UnrestrictedLicense]"/>
> <meta about="[_:license]" rel="eg:licensor" >Jeremy Carroll</meta>
> <meta about="[_:license]" rel="eg:licenseStartDate">4th October 2005</meta>
> I think that the second solution is better. Mainly because the 
> relationship between the document, the licensor and the date is more 
> explicit.
> (Note it would be better to use a URI to refer to the licensor, and to 
> use an xsd:date for the start date, but I am being lazy for this example)
> Jeremy
Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Tuesday, 4 October 2005 14:41:31 UTC