Re: CURIEs vs. QNames

* Norman Walsh <Norman.Walsh@Sun.COM> [2005-11-28 12:21-0500]
> / Ben Adida <> was heard to say:
> |> | Do I really need to write the Dublin Core URI multiple times?
> |>
> |> That would work.
> |
> | Yes, it would "work," but it would violate one of our strong
> | requirements that we help users not duplicate data unnecessarily. If
> | a user wants to upgrade from one version of Dublin Core to the next,
> | he shouldn't have to go change all the Dublin Core properties used
> | throughout every document.
> Interesting. I'm used to the argument that URIs are bad because
> they're long and hard to type. Your argument above is for a level of
> indirection, is that right?

A layer of indirection that would have been useless in the case 
of Dublin Core btw. DC changed from using to

...but also changed the case of the properties, from 'Creator' to

I don't know of another popular RDF namespace where, in practice,
there are a large number of documents that could be upgraded with 
only a change to the URI part of a property name. Not DC, nor RSS1, 
nor FOAF, ... In general I discourage people from moving to a new
namespace URI unless the vocab has changed significantly --- and that
can often include property names. If the change is minor enough that 
it can be handled with a "search and replace", then why bother change 
the namespace URI in the first place?


Received on Monday, 28 November 2005 18:34:45 UTC