Comments on RDF/A Syntax (Editor's Draft 27 October 2005)

I read the doc. of RDF/A in rush, just leave a few comments here..

1. "rdf:about" instead of "about"
"rdf:about" is pretty well-known. To learn a new attribute, "rdf:about" and 
"about" are no difference. Just a name to remember...
e.g., <p rdf:about=""><a rel="dc:creator" 
href="">Bill Gates</a> blah blah</p>
=> { <> dc:creator <mailto:bill.gates@microsoft> . }

2. use the "type" attribute for typed literal
The "type" attribute is from the anchor element.
e.g., <p rdf:about=""><a rel="dc:date" 
type="xsd:dateTime">2005-11-25T00:46:00+0800</a> blah blah</p>
=> { <> dc:date "2005-11-25T00:46:00+0800"^^xsd:dateTime . }

3. use of Production "propertyAttr" [1]
I recommend to use "propertyAttr" for the case of "nodeElement" [2] only, 
never "emptyPropertyElt" [3]
e.g. <p rdf:about="" dc:subject="SemanticWeb">blah blah blah</p>
=> { <> dc:subject "SemanticWeb" . }

Jeremy Wong

Received on Thursday, 24 November 2005 16:58:02 UTC