RE: Comments on RDF/A draft

At 09:17 AM 10/29/2004 +0100, Mark Birbeck wrote:
>Once all the comments were in, we
>planned to modify RDF/A to take them into account, and only then work
>everything back into the original two chapters in XHTML 2.

Excellent.  Perhaps you could add that to the Status of This Document.

>we feel it has
>definitely worked well and consequently we're now in a pretty good position
>to pop back up the stack.

It has indeed been useful.  I would like the Semantic Web Interest Group
to be made aware of this work as well,  But there's not enough context
in the SOTD to explain how this greatly revised and improved draft
relates to the formally published XHTML 2.0 Working Draft.

For the record, I am pleased -- and fully support -- the HTML WG using
the RDF Concepts and Abstract Syntax Recommendation to produce
another syntax for RDF that is HTML-friendly.  The RDF Core WG's
decision to split our their documents in this way is proving to be a
useful one.  The SemWeb Best Practices and Deployment WG has
the chartered responsibility to be the custodian of the prior RDF
Working Groups legacy in this regard.  Engaging the SemWeb
Interest Group will be another important step to take to get the
endorsement of other RDF tool developers.


Received on Friday, 29 October 2004 11:42:11 UTC