Re: let's specify meaning rather than processing

On Mon, 2004-01-19 at 08:41, Dominique Hazaël-Massieux wrote:
> Le sam 17/01/2004 à 00:00, Dan Connolly a écrit :
> > That was a great start. After working thru various technical
> > details (grokRDDL and such) I found some inspiration to do
> > some writing today. What do you think of this new draft?
> Looks great! (FWIW, I've fixed a few typos spotted by ,spell)

I moved the history/rationale to separate page:

GRDDL Background: Design History and Rationale
$Revision: 1.2 $ of $Date: 2004/01/20 23:23:51 $ by $Author: connolly $

$Revision: 1.19 $ $Date: 2004/01/20 23:24:05 $

Tim, I'm thinking about specbg as a TAG finding on
issue 35.

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Tuesday, 20 January 2004 18:29:47 UTC