SPARQL publications done

BTW, the publications happened, as planned:

    Eleven SPARQL 1.1 Specifications Published

Next steps?

1.  Circulate news of the Proposed Recommendations to any AC Reps you 
know.  We need their feedback.   In the "Status of the Document" section 
there's a link to their "review form".  So far, four days into the four 
week review period, we have reviews from Lex Machina and Garlik.  
(Thanks Gavin and Steve!)

2.  Circulate news of the Candidate Recommendations to anyone who might 
be implementing, asking for their feedback.

 1. SPARQL 1.1 Entailment Regimes
    <> - defines the semantics
    of SPARQL queries under entailment regimes such as RDF Schema, OWL,
    or RIF.
 2. SPARQL 1.1 Protocol for RDF
    <> - A protocol defining
    means for conveying arbitrary SPARQL queries and update requests to
    a SPARQL service.
 3. SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol
    <> - As opposed to the
    full SPARQL protocol, this specification defines minimal means for
    managing RDF graph content directly via common HTTP operations.

I'm at ISWC this week, so regrets for tomorrow, if there's a meeting.

       -- Sandro

Received on Monday, 12 November 2012 14:48:31 UTC