Re: SPARQL WG Agenda for tomorrow

I have to send my regrets I'm afraid.

- Steve

On 2012-10-22, at 21:29, Lee Feigenbaum wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Look forward to talking to you tomorrow. Here's what we'll look to cover:
> Admin
> Comment processing
> Entailment regime
> Review what we know about which regimes we're likely to have implementations from
> Consider marking other regimes informative or at-risk
> Graph Store Protocol
> Implementation status & validator status
> What if GSP does not make it past CR?
> Protocol
> Implementation status & validator status
> Published documents
> Publication date: November 6
> "Changes Since Last Call" section
> talk to you then,
> Lee

Steve Harris, CTO
Garlik, a part of Experian
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Received on Tuesday, 23 October 2012 08:13:44 UTC