Re: has anyone implemented SPARQL 1.1 yet?

Getting SPARQL 1.1 finished without delay is very attractive.  There is 
a certain amount of ceremony involved, including the community beyond 
the WG.  I'm not sure where the best balance lies.

While it's not strictly necessary, I think it is desirable if possible, 
to have systems outside the WG to be on the implementation report, which 
some things is quite political. There are systems ready - we need to 
collect the CR data.

Jena is feature complete for query, update, protocol, federated query,
results (all) and graph store protocol. Code is there for service
description requests but I'm not how one shows conformance. Outstanding
though is WG protocol tests which is on the WG's ToDo list; I can provide
a public facing server for client testing if that helps.

Jena hasn't yet address the parts of entailment it can provide but I 
plan to in time for the implementation report.


Received on Thursday, 24 November 2011 20:14:44 UTC