Re: rq25 updates (STRBEFORE, STRAFTER, REPLACE and more)

On 2011-10-31, at 15:39, Steve Harris wrote:
> Even without REPLACE on arbitrary literals you can do STRDT(REPLACE(STR(?x), "2", "A"), DATATYPE(?x)) if you're so inclined.

Actually, that would mangle language tagged literals in a very unfortunate way in RDF 1.1, so it would have to be something like:

   STRLANG(REPLACE(STR(?x), "2", "A"), LANG(?x)),
   IF(DATATYPE(?x) == xsd:string,
      REPLACE(STR(?x), "2", "A"),
      STRDT(REPLACE(STR(?x), "2", "A"), DATATYPE(?x))))

That will be hard for optimisers to spot reliably, so Option 3 is looking a bit more tempting.

I imagine most systems could process REPLACE(123, "2", "A") -> "1A3"^^xsd:integer more efficiently the the thing above.
- Steve

Steve Harris, CTO, Garlik Limited
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Received on Monday, 31 October 2011 16:07:05 UTC