test case changes

I'd like to make three changes to test suite files, and wanted to run them by the group.


In test csv-tsv-res/manifest#csv03 I'd like to change the lexical form used in the CSV results file (csvtsv03.csv) and the source data file (data2.ttl) for the xsd:double value to use canonical form (changing from "1.0e6" to "1.0E6"). While this doesn't totally solve the problem of the csv serialization being lossy and making value-based comparisons difficult, if we're going to choose to use either canonical or non-canonical form, I think canonical form is the better choice to allow canonicalizing implementations to more easily pass the test.


I'd like to remove test service/manifest#service5 from the manifest list as it tests the "SERVICE ?var" form that I believe we've resolved not to specify. An alternative would be to mark this test with an mf:requires and mint a new IRI to represent the variable-endpoint extension.


I'd like to change the SERVICE manifest to mark federation tests as using the service "feature", not marking it as a "requirement" with mf:requires:

-       mf:requires mf:BasicFederation ;
+       mf:feature sd:BasicFederatedQuery ;

This change is based on mf:requires being used historically as a way to indicate a test that requires some optional feature of the implementation (thus making the test optional w.r.t. conformance). However, we've now split the test suite into conformance requirements on a per-spec basis (in manifest-all.ttl), and I believe the service tests should be considered required tests for conformance to the Federation Extension spec.

Does anyone have any thoughts on these changes?


Received on Wednesday, 28 September 2011 22:02:31 UTC