rdf dataset parameters in protocol for sparql update

1/ The parameters are called using-graph-uri and using-named-graph-uri

2/ If at least one value for one of the parameters is present, then the 
protocol parameters fully define the RDF dataset that is used for the 
query pattern matching (WHERE clause) of all operations in the update 
request. That is, they fully replace all USING and USING NAMED clauses 
in the request's operations.

A third way of stating this: the semantics of including at least one of 
using-graph-uri and using-named-graph-uri is the equivalent of doing the 

   A) Remove all USING clauses from the request.
   B) Remove all USING NAMED clauses from the request.
   C) For each using-graph-uri=u in the protocol request
        For each INSERT/DELETE/INSERT DELETE operation in the request
          Add "USING u" to the operation
   D) For each using-named-graph-uri=u in the protocol request
        For each INSERT/DELETE/INSERT DELETE operation in the request
          Add "USING NAMED u" to the operation

Protocol says nothing further about the semantics of these parameters -- 
everything else is based on the semantics already given for USING and 
USING NAMED in SPARQL 1.1 Update. This includes things like whether 
"USING x" mentioned repeatedly in an update request refers to a mutable 
graph or a graph as retrieved from the Web; this includes things like 
the interaction between these parameters and WITH.

Our options at this point:

+ Discuss any questions
+ Consider any alternative proposals
+ Consider dropping these parameters altogether
+ Consider adopting this proposal


Received on Tuesday, 16 August 2011 02:11:48 UTC