Re: SPARQL 1.1 Protocol Conformance

On 8/2/2011 4:35 AM, Steve Harris wrote:
> I think it's probably harmless in the grand scheme of things.

OK, if this is consensus then that's good enough for me.

> Other than direct POSTing (which some toolkits may have trouble
> with?) it's not that tricky to support, even to just return a "method
> not implemented" error.

Yeah, I'm mainly concerned that clients start POSTing directly, and that 
that's not widely implemented...


> - Steve
> On 2011-08-02, at 03:08, Lee Feigenbaum wrote:
>> In SPARQL 1.0, conformance to the SPARQL Protocol required that an
>> implementation implement the abstract query interface, and that if
>> the implementation implemented the HTTP or SOAP bindings to that
>> interface, that that be done in the manner specified in the
>> document. (See
>> In the SPARQL 1.1 Protocol, we have these changes:
>> * Added an update operation * Removed an abstract definition of the
>> operation * Removed SOAP bindings * Added the ability to directly
>> POST a query or update, in addition to via HTTP GET&  POST
>> So what should conformance be?
>> Suggestion:
>> * Implement either the query or the update operation or both * For
>> any implemented operations, implement it in at least one of the
>> ways normatively defined in the document
>> This feels to me to be in the spirit of the SPARQL 1.0 Protocol...
>> that said, I'm not thrilled with it since this is a protocol and
>> this gives you 5 different things you can implement to be a
>> conformant SPARQL 1.1 Protocol implementation -- that doesn't seem
>> great to be for interoperability.
>> What do you think?
>> Lee

Received on Tuesday, 2 August 2011 13:10:12 UTC