Re: how to specify that in SERVICE VAR how we query all possible sparql endpoints

On 01/08/11 13:56, Carlos Buil Aranda wrote:
> By the way, since the SERVICE VAR section is informative, could I add a
> reference to a research paper which points to a formal evaluation of
> SERVICE VAR? I would add to the document something like: "The exact
> mechanism for doing this is not defined in this document. Existing
> literature about this particular topic [1] propose ways for safely
> executing SERVICE VAR patterns."
> what do you think?
> cheers,
> Carlos
> [1] Buil-Aranda, C. and Arenas, M. and Corcho, Oscar (2011) /Semantics
> and Optimization of the SPARQL 1.1 Federation Extension./ In: 8th
> Extended Semantic Web Conference

I don't think it's appropriate:  Even if informative, referencing it is 
an implicit endorsement or guidance at some level.


Received on Monday, 1 August 2011 14:03:27 UTC