ACTION-480 completed: Review CSV document

Here goes my review of the CVS doc.

1) In the abstract:

"@@Add ASK as well? One line - true or false"

I suggest to:

 a) s/This document describes their use for expressing SPARQL query results from SELECT queries./
      This document describes their use for expressing SPARQL query results from SELECT and ASK queries./

 b) Add a new very short section before Section 3 as new Section 3 as follows: 


     3 Encoding results of ASK Queries as CSV/TSV
     The result of ASK queries as a CSV or TSV is either the single string 
     "true" or "false" followed by the end-of-line character. The following 
     sections explain how to encode the results table for a SELECT query in CSV 
     (Section 4) and TSV (Section 5).

   and renaming current Section 3 and 4 to 

     4 Encoding results tables as CSV - Comma Separated values 

     5 Encoding results tables as TSV - Tab Separated values

 c) A small side remark, I found a small problem in the "SPARQL Query Results XML Format" doc ( 

In its introduction, it says 

"The SPARQL Query Language for RDF [SPARQL-QUERY] defines several Query Result Forms (SPARQL Query section 10). This document defines a SPARQL Results Document that encodes the variable binding query results from SELECT queries (SPARQL Query section 10.2) and boolean query results from ASK queries (SPARQL Query section 10.5)"

but the section numbering is wrong:   "SELECT" is 10.1 and "ASK" is 10.3.

Is that already covered in some Errata?

2) In section 3.1:

s/The SPARQL CSV Results Format should use of a header row./
  The SPARQL CSV Results Format should use a header row./

BTW, should we add an explicit remark, under which circumstances it might make sense to ommit the header row? E.g.:
"Note that, in general, i.e. when more than one output variable appear in the SELECT clause, removing the 
header row will result in ambiguous order of columns in the result table. However, for instance when only a single output 
variable is selected it may be desirable to omit the header row."

3) in Section 3.2

"Fields do not need to be quoted if they do not contain"
Do I read this correctly that quoted and unquoted can be mixed arbitrarily, i.e.




are all valid serializations of the same result set ?x/"foo", ?x/"bar", yes?

4) in section 3.3:

 It would be nice, if the final example for CSV would also contain some quoted strings.

5) in section 4:

 Is there a particular rationale for disallowing triple quoted forms from Turtle, and if so, can this rationale be added?

6) in section 4.2

   Why do we reference [RDF-SPARQL-QUERY] here instead of [SPARQL11-QUERY]?

7) in section 4.2

    s/Use of the samelabel indicates the same blank node within the results but has no significance outside the results./
     Use of the same label indicates the same blank node within the results but has no significance outside the results./


It would be nice, if the final example for TSV would also contain some \t, \n, or \r

Received on Monday, 11 July 2011 14:56:16 UTC