Re: fed query BINDINGs

On 4/26/2011 9:06 AM, Axel Polleres wrote:
> So, what I rather think is that this section should show, is an example how BINDINGS queries are used by an implementation to implement SERVICE, i.e. given the original SERVICE query and what it boils down to when the non-SERVICE part has been evaluated and is rewritten to a BINDINGS query... makes sense?

Rather than give an example which might imply a particular 
implementation strategy, I think it would be better to have the section 
simply say one or two sentences about the relationship here.

SPARQL 1.1 Query includes the BINDINGS clause (ref), which can be used 
to provide an unordered solution sequence which is joined with the 
results of query evaluation. Implementers of SPARQL 1.1 Federated Query 
may use the BINDINGS clause to constrain the results received from a 
remote endpoint based on solution bindings from evaluating other parts 
of the query.

I think this is straightforward and is inline with the text at .


Received on Tuesday, 26 April 2011 13:35:52 UTC