On 10/12/2010 3:36 PM, Andy Seaborne wrote:
>>  { P1 KW(Expr AS ?Var)  P2}
>> =:=
>> { { SELECT * Expr AS ?Var { P1} } P2 }
> Does BIND end a BGP?
> What happens to FILTERs?
> { FILTER(expr) ?x ns:p ?v . ?x ns:q ?w }
> is the algebra:
> (filter expr
> (bgp (triple ?x ns:p ?v)
> (triple ?x ns:q ?w)
> ))
> or written after FILTER motion:
> { ?x ns:p ?v . ?x ns:q ?w FILTER(expr) }
> But if we insert BIND(2*?v AS ?two) into that:
> { FILTER(expr) ?x ns:p ?v . BIND(2*?v AS ?two) . ?x ns:q ?w }
> There is a similar issue with bNode syntax label scopes.
> I propose that:
> 1/ BIND terminates the current BGP
> 2/ FILTER goes after BIND in the BGP

I understand the question & agree with this proposal.


> so its:
> (join
> (filter expr
> (extend (2*?v AS ?two)
> (bgp (triple ?x ns:p ?v))
> ))
> (bgp (triple ?x ns:q ?w))
> )
> or
> { { ?x ns:p ?v . BIND(2*?v AS ?two) . FILTER(expr)} ?x ns:q ?w }
> Logically it's
> Doing this keep entailment a matter of BGPs only. Without motion of
> BIND, it would need more work to come up with a design (if it exists)
> that keeps entailment on a conjuction of triple patterns and have the
> variable scoping + new variable rule.
> Lee's example:
> { ?x ns:p ?v . BIND(2*?v AS ?two) ?x ns:q ?two }
> will work and naturally falls out if BIND happens where it's mentioned.
> (join
> (extend (2*?v AS ?two)
> (bgp (triple ?x ns:p ?v)))
> (bgp (triple ?x ns:q ?two))
> )
> Andy

Received on Tuesday, 12 October 2010 19:49:21 UTC