[tests] Test for GROUP BY

I've added some test for GROUP BY, separate for the aggregates tests.


group03 is testing what happens when the GROUP BY contains an unbound 
variable.  In ARQ, this just leads to a key for a group.

@prefix : <http://example/> .

:s1 :p 1 .
:s1 :q 9 .
:s2 :p 2 .
PREFIX : <http://example/>

   ?s :p ?v .
   OPTIONAL { ?s :q ?w }

and ARQ gives:

| w | S |
| 9 | 1 |
|   | 2 |

the unbound variable in one row causes there to be a key for "unbound or 

The definition:

Group(ExprList, Ω) = { ListEval(ExprList, μ) -> { μ' | μ' in Ω, 
ListEval(ExprList, μ) = ListEval(ExprList, μ') } | μ in Ω }

uses "ExprList" which does not remove errors. It would be worth adding 
this to ListEval (changes suggested marked __)

Definition: ListEval

ListEval(ExprList, μ) returns a list E, where Ei =
μ(ExprListi) _or error_.

_ListEval retains errors in evaluation of the list elements._

A variant, ListEvalE, is the same except that all elements of E which 
are errors are removed.

Test 'group5' adds to this to test that the whole group key isn't 
collapsed to a single item by an error:

@prefix : <http://example/> .

:s1 :p 1 .
:s3 :p 1 .
:s1 :q 9 .
:s2 :p 2 .
PREFIX : <http://example/>

SELECT ?s ?w
   ?s :p ?v .
   OPTIONAL { ?s :q ?w }
GROUP BY ?s ?w
| s                   | w |
| <http://example/s1> | 9 |
| <http://example/s2> |   |
| <http://example/s3> |   |

so the group keys are (:s1, 9) (:s2, error) and (:s3, error)



Defn: Group
s/from explitic groups/from explicit groups/

but I'd suggest
"from groups where the ExprList is non-empty"

because the text causes me to ask "what's an _explicit_ group".

Received on Friday, 1 October 2010 10:10:08 UTC