Re: [TF-LIB] COALESCE is an unhelpful choice of name

On 14/11/2009 06:39, Steve Harris wrote:
> On 14 Nov 2009, at 05:48, Alexandre Passant wrote:
>> Based on your previous email "COALESCE (or whatever it's called) takes
>> 1 or more arguments and returns the first of its arguments that is
>> bound to a value (i.e. first argument that is not unbound and not a
>> type error)."
>> So what about FIRST_BOUND or something explicit like that ?
> "First" is a bit ambiguous. Lexically? (where?), chronologically?
> I thought about LEFTMOST(), but that's not great either.
> - Steve

LEFTMOST is possible.

A word with a firstness about it would be good.
I think "first" for "first in list" is clear enough.

FIRST_SAFE seems accurate albeit long.

Just SAFE?  More emphasis on it's protecting role than the order.



Received on Saturday, 14 November 2009 12:13:45 UTC