Re: ISSUE-48: Less verbose delete syntax

On 09/11/2009 20:05, Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
> Well, Andy and Steve has already getting started and have mentioned
> allowing just a BGP too, but yeah, I can live with your proposal, as long
> as we keep an issue open for a fuller graph pattern for a time-permitting,
> or more likely for SPARQL 1.2.


Steve and I were exploring, rather than getting as far proposing, on 
what more could be done. :-)

Unless "more" can give a feeling of being really solid and definitely 
the right thing to do, then I prefer to leave anything beyond DELETE 
WHERE { BGP } to SPARQL-next.

That said, a safe step is to allow BGP+FILTERs

(A case for NOT EXISTS in FILTERs.)

On template/pattern .... "bnodes".


Received on Monday, 9 November 2009 20:19:34 UTC