- From: Axel Polleres <axel.polleres@deri.org>
- Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2009 23:35:41 +0100
- To: Lee Feigenbaum <lee@thefigtrees.net>
- Cc: SPARQL Working Group <public-rdf-dawg@w3.org>
I think essentially, the document has all the necessary hooks for the new update operation, but it needs some minor TODO's, mostly adding some Editor's notes marking things that still need to be done and fixing the section numbering issues to go to FPWD. That is, I'd approve the doc to go to FPWD, given: 1) some Editor's note was added regards the SOAP binding, especially saying that - the dangling section cross-references to are to be removed - Section "Conformance" needs to be changed to reflect update 2) some Editor's note was added in the introduction, saying that "SPARQL 1.1 Update" needs to be mentioned here. 3) some Editor's note should be added in the beginning of section "HTTP Binding" that this will talk about update as well in the future. 4) section numbering needs to be fixed 5) we should change -- following the resolution from last time -- references to "SPARQL Protocol for RDF" to "SPARQL 1.1 protocol for RDF" including the document title... at lease this should also be addressed with an Editor's note Axel =========================================== Details: 1) still a lot about the SOAP binding there: " and operations, as well as by HTTP and SOAP bindings" Section 4 Conformance: "must implement [….] SOAP bindings" If we removed the section on SOAP binding, shouldn't we also remove those references? THese refer to XXQUERYXX only, but actually we have no binding conditions to XXUPDATEXX as far as I can see I suggest we add an editor's not there saying that the required bindings for XXUPDATEXX aren't yet fixed in this draft, i.e. whether a SOAP binding alone would also be conferment. Actually, I assume that we do not require XXUPDATEXX to be implemented for conformance, but we may add it to the MAY bullets, yes? 2) In the introduction, "This document (which refers to itself as "SPARQL Protocol for RDF") describes SPARQL Protocol, a means of conveying SPARQL queries from query clients to query processors. SPARQL Protocol has been designed for compatibility with the SPARQL Query Language for RDF [SPARQL]. SPARQL Protocol is described in two ways:" Add an Editor's note that also the "SPARQL Update language" needs to be mentioned here in. 3) 2.2 HTTP Bindings should have two subsections for query/update bindings? at least a todo marker in the beginning, that it will also talk about update in the future. 4) as mentioned in the changelog, the section numbering still needs fixing 2.1.3 XXUPDATEXX In Message 2.1.4 XXUPDATEXX Out Message should be XXUPDATEXX In Message XXUPDATEXX Out Message etc. some further confusion with section numbering in Section 2.2: * 2.2.1 queryHttpGet 2.2.1 HTTP Examples for SPARQL Query * SELECT with service-supplied RDF dataset is the first subsection of 2.2.1 * 2.2.2 queryHttpPost 2.2.2 HTTP Examples for SPARQL Update 5) This document (which refers to itself as "SPARQL Protocol for RDF") do we need to refer to version number 1.1 here?
Received on Monday, 19 October 2009 22:36:17 UTC