
Role: Principal representative of the University of Manchester

I have been involved in numerous working groups (WSDL, OWLWG, DAWG 1  
(in the middle), WS-Policy (for a short while), RIF, WS- 
Architecture...) I have been extensively involved with SPARQL,  
especially the SPARQL-OWL connection. I have worked on optimization  
of conjunctive query over OWL Ontologies as realized in Pellet. I  
helped found the OWLED workshop series. In 2007, the meeting  
expressed strong enthusiasm for a worked out SPARQL/OWL.

Some links:

I hope that this working group will advance the obvious state of the  
art WRT SPARQL. My particular concern is to bring the SPARQL and OWL  
connection up to snuff so that users have a smooth transition as they  
move up and down the expressivity ladder. I also hope that SPARQL/OWL  
could fill the role that DIG plays now, i.e., as the standard  
"external" interface to OWL reasoners.

I hope to contribute a SPARQL/OWL spec. I'm also very interested in a  
XML format for SPARQL queries.


Received on Tuesday, 3 March 2009 10:51:27 UTC