Requesting input for the Features and Rational document

Hi all,

In order to edit the Features and Rationale document, we use the Wiki  
as staging ground for the Working Draft.
We would like to publish a first working draft as soon as possible,  
focusing - for the moment - on the Required features.

For each feature, the F&R document has a subsection with the  
motivation, the description, existing implementations and related  

To move forward, we'd like your assistance, so we ask that you to add  
appropriate text to the wiki for each of the required features.
We already have enough material for some of them, and so we especially  
call for feedback from the following points, see below.
Note that we have changed the title of the examples to "existing  
implementations", as seen with Axel and Lee, as it is important to not  
proceed into the next charter, and any speculation on syntax would do  
that. Thus, the examples must be taken from existing implementations.
In the related discussions section, we currently link to the ISSUEs,  
and we intend to continue to do that until we have reason to add other  

Specifically, we ask you to focus on these holes in the current content:

* ProjectExpression needs a better description and motivation.
We feel that the mention of XSLT is not very relevant, as assigning a  
name automatically, like some engines do now, is sufficient for XSLT.
It should also be motivated by showing why it is required by other  

* Aggregates needs a description. As mentioned in today's telecon, it  
must be generic enough to encompass all the things we may do.

* Subqueries is now described as subselects, and the description and  
examples needs to reflect that we may have other query forms in the  
subqueries (e.g ASK in subqueries).

* Negation. Is there any engine that support a NOT EXISTS  
implementation ?

Finally, there is a section in the document that calls for use cases  
that require more than one of the new features, so that we motivate  
the new features with concrete examples.
We do not have that for the moment, so if someone can come up with  
some, it would be great !
Use cases can be recorded at

Thanks for your input !


Alex and Kjetil

Alexandre Passant
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
National University of Ireland, Galway
:me owl:sameAs <> .

Received on Wednesday, 3 June 2009 08:16:55 UTC