service descriptions

A few days ago, Michael Hausenblas contacted me about the brief  
summary of service description work I had written for an earlier  
telecon [1]. Michael (along with others) is starting work on voiD 2.0,  
and is interested to get input from the WG on new features or changes  
that would make voiD more useful for service descriptions (and SPARQL  
in general). There is an issue tracker [2] that lists both alignment  
with existing SPARQL vocabs (DARQ) and improvements to statistics as  
things they are going to look at changing. There's also a brief  
discussion on irc[3] about this issue.

Beyond some of the things we've already talked about (the distinction  
between a dataset and an endpoint, for example), does anyone have  
thoughts on changes to voiD that they would like to see for the sake  
of improving its use with SPARQL? I told Michael I'd solicit feedback  
from the group and get back to him.



Received on Tuesday, 26 May 2009 13:48:33 UTC