SPARQL WG Agenda - Apr. 14, 2009

See .

As stated previously, I'm hoping to setup and open a Web survey 
following this call to ask SPARQL WG members to prioritize features that 
the Working Group should standardize.

We've got a lot to do now and once this phase of our work is complete, 
and we'll need everyone's help as much as possible. If you feel that 
your voice has not yet been heard regarding what proposed features you 
think are important (or are _not_ important!) for SPARQL's future, now's 
the time!

     *  Date of Call: Tuesday April 14, 2009
     * Time of Call: 15:00 UK, 10:00 (East US)
     * Dial-In #: +1.617.761.6200 (Cambridge, MA)
     * Dial-In #: + (Nice, France)
     * Dial-In #: +44.117.370.6152 (Bristol, UK)
     * Participant Access Code: 77277# (SPARQ)
     * IRC Channel: port 6665 channel #sparql 
     * Web-based IRC (member-only): 
(Firefox IRC addon: chatzilla)
     * Duration: 60 minutes
     * Chair: Lee Feigenbaum
     * Scribe: Ivan Herman (Scribe List)
     * Link to Agenda:

[edit] Regrets
[edit] Agenda

     * Admin
           o PROPOSED: Approve minutes at
           o Next meeting: 2009-04-21 @ 15:00 UK / 10:00 EDT
     * Logistics
           o Scribe next time: Orri Erling (Scribe List)
     * Liaisons
           o Anything to report?
           o OWL WG (Bijan)
           o HCLS (Eric)
           o XQuery (Eric)
           o RIF WG (Axel)
           o RDB2RDF WG (Orri)
     * Action/issue status - via tracker:
     * Discuss feature proposals
           o ParameterizedInference (Chime?)
           o SPARQLX & RDF serializations of SPARQL (Bijan)
           o FunctionLibrary (Lee?)
           o FullText (volunteer, please?)
           o LimitPerResource (volunteer, please? else on the mailing 
list, please)
           o BasicFederatedQuery (AndyS?)

[edit] Regrets

     * Axel P
     * Alex P
     * Kjetil

Received on Friday, 10 April 2009 05:57:30 UTC