DAWG Agenda - 18 Sep 2007 @ 14:30 UTC

0. Convene [1]RDF Data Access WG meeting of Tuesday, 18 September 2007
at 14:30:00 UTC
          + LeeF chairing
          + teleconference bridge: tel:+1.617.761.6200 
tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152 code:7333
          + on irc at: irc://irc.w3.org:6665/dawg
          + Scribe: @@
          + Regrets: Chimezie
          + roll call
          + minutes from last week [2]
          + next meeting 25 Sep. @@ recruit scribe, regrets?
          + agenda comments?

1. Review ACTION Items

These actions appear DONE:

ACTION: ericP to have first cut of shiny implementation report by 11 Sep
ACTION: Orri and Ivan to publish URL to test service along with a list 
of tests that aren't handled correctly yet
ACTION: AndyS to try SOAP protocol tests against Joseki and Virtuoso 
ACTION: LeeF to update open-world manifest with mf:requires for open-eq-12
ACTION: LeeF to update Turtle data to have explicit lexical forms and 
answer Gregory W's mail

Let's check on the status of the following actions:

-- misc --

ACTION: ericP to poke IETF folks about registering SPARQL media types 
(esp. application/sparql-query)
ACTION: ericP to write explanatory text saying that, like xsd:inteter 
and xsd:dateTime, the relative order of simple literals and xsd:strings 
is not defined here
ACTION: ericP to answer "EBV of invalid numeric literals" email from Arjohn
ACTION: LeeF to put together CR transition request for SPARQL XML format 
and EricP to publish

-- implementation report --

-- tests --

ACTION: Eric+Andy to identify and collect mf:requires URIs and put in 
   [progress, see below]
ACTION: ericP, AndyS to add the mf:requires labels to the manifest 
namespace document

-- spec --

ACTION: ericP to incorporate text to fix EBV of illformed numeric 
literals bug in spec
ACTION: ericP to try to produce a diff from CR to current editor's draft

2. SPARQL Query Results XML Format

Publication status?

3. Protocol testing


   + SOAP version incompatibilities - next step? See:


   + HTTP testing (update from Elias, probably via Lee as proxy)

4. mf:requires

Andy did some work to catalog the mf:requires labels. See:


Andy brings up a few questions/issues that we should briefly discuss to 
clean up the mf:requires stuff.

5. Implementation Report

EricP put together a first version of the HTML for an implementation report:


which references:


Things we should cover on the telecon include:

+ What's the process of generating/regenerating the implementation report?
+ What does it mean for an implementations to support a feature ("green 
+ Do we need to include all implementation results received, or should 
we highlight only those that fulfill our CR exit criteria?
+ When can we expect other results?

6. Towards PR

Let's add a standing agendum to look at our exit criteria to move from 
CR to PR so that we can plan ahead. I'm aiming for Sept. 25 for the 
moment for discussing a decision to transition to PR.

[1] http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/

Received on Monday, 17 September 2007 14:36:40 UTC