Re: Agenda - 12 Jun 2007 @ 14:30UTC

Lee Feigenbaum wrote:

> 3. Test progress
> If there hasn't been any other work on tests, I'm going to propose that we 
> examine* the following sets of tests during the telecon:
> data-r2/optional-filter (moved and renamed from data/Expr1)

I fixed the syntax error in the manifest file for data-r2/optional-filter.
Then pass 3/3

> data/OpenWorld (all but date-3 pass in EricP's run)

I had to remove the ORDER BY because the result sets have
<results ordered="true" distinct="false">
which ARQ now ignores.

open-eq-07, 08, 10, 11, 12

(Not committed to CVS because the result sneed fixing as well - and I've run 
out of time just now).

Pass manifest.ttl

Not checked
   qexpr "'xyz'@en = 'xyz'@EN" ==> true in ARQ

> data/Expr2 (boolean effective value tests, all pass in EricP's run)

Pass manifest.n3

> *examine = run through implementations, eyeball, and fix/approve


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Received on Tuesday, 12 June 2007 14:07:49 UTC