ACTION: DanC to follow up re optional test based on
op:dateTime triple
ACTION: DaveB to to propose source test to approve
ACTION: AFS to propose resolution to
punctuationSyntax, folding recent yakker grammar into editor's draft.
(I see progress in 1.494, 1.495 of editor's
toward Note on using SPARQL with WSDL 1.1
ACTION: Lee to elaborate on how to use this WSDL
1.1 stuff with tools
ACTION: KC, EricP to review WSDL 1.1 sparql
protocol publication candidate, once a candidate pointer is mailed to
the WG
ACTION DanC: publish WSDL 1.1 sparql protocol
note, contingent on thumbs-up from KC, EricP, Lee/Elias
protocol testing update
issues#rdfSemantics, issues#owlDisjunction
ACTION: Bijan to take a pass through the editor's
draft, listing what will change with the new semantics understanding,
and what will not