See also: IRC log
<kendall> Attending: Souri, EricP, me, Pat, Andy, Lee, Dan, Elias
-> minutes 13 Sep
<kendall> Minutes approved
<DaveB> (Regrets for me 4Oct)
<kendall> I'm at risk for 4 Oct.
EricP is at risk 4 Oct
bijan, are you and enrico still planning to be here 4 Oct?
<bijan> I am
<bijan> I can't speak for enrico but he's not told me not
ok. you don't care to scribe, do you? 1/2 ;-)
<kendall> I'm leaving for .MX on the 5th, so there's a good chance I'll have to miss telcon.
<bijan> I don't care to scribe :)
scribe for 4 Oct: LeeF
<scribe> ACTION: [DONE] AndyS to add the above graph test cases [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: [DONE] SteveH to review the relevant test case re: IRI normalization [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: DanC to follow up re optional test based on op:dateTime triple [CONTINUES] [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: DaveB to to propose source test to approve [CONTINUES] [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: ericp to draft lang-match design, summarizing and citing RFC3066 [CONTINUES] [recorded in]
-> protocol lcwd
-> wsdl
<ericP> Content-Type: application/wsdl+xml
and I get 404 @ [which means it shouldn't have been published]
<scribe> ACTION: EricP to arrange for 200 response from [recorded in]
xmlns: st=""
sparql-protocol-types.xsd,v 1.1 2005/09/14 15:04:07 eric Exp
happy enough
KC: yes, sparql-protocol-types.xsd,v 1.1 2005/09/14 15:04:07 is happy enough
<kendall> some confusion caused by .../2005/08/... and .../2005/09/... URIs
-> David Wood: SPARQL Protocol Review and Comments
<LeeF> Kendall, isn't this the latest version actually:
<LeeF> ? ( 2005/09/21 )
LeeF, is that interestingly different from sparql-protocol-types.xsd,v 1.1 2005/09/14 15:04:07 ?
i.e. other than CVS keywords?
<LeeF> Yes
<LeeF> It removes a stray "/>"
<LeeF> And adds an import of the result format XSD
<EliasT> Lee, there's an xs:import on that one..
<LeeF> On which one?
<EliasT> sorry... I saw this one:
<LeeF> Right - that's the 9/21 latest one AFAIK
<LeeF> is older
<AndyS> Won't I have to change code for the SOAP binding (not a block as not widely deployed)?
KC: David Wood's comments were substantial... as he's affiliated with UMD, I've had some offline discussion and I think he'll be satisfied with some minor editorial changes.
-> Update and issues: ACTION: LeeF to draft WSDL 1.1 for SPARQL thingy with AndyS and Elias
<scribe> ACTION: [DONE] LeeF to draft WSDL 1.1 for SPARQL thingy with AndyS and Elias [recorded in]
discussion of protocol types... seq/all... the all construct we used seems to be invalid
<AndyS> Children of query-request : parent of default-graph-uri
PROPOSED: to change revert query-request from xs:all back to xs:seq
<AndyS> Schema issue: wants any number, any order of items
PROPOSED: to revert query-request from xs:all back to xs:seq
<DaveB> (just the first xs:all)
PROPOSED: to revert query-request from xs:all back to xs:seq, noting with regret this is due to limiations of XML Schema
<AndyS> +1
<scribe> ACTION: KC to revert query-request from xs:all back to xs:seq and note this is due to limiations of XML Schema [recorded in]
<DaveB> here's as far as I got in 2001 -
<DaveB> ref to
discussion of how to describe RDF/XML from WSDL ... whether to use XSD with any and a comment/annotation, or relax-ng per RDF/XML spec, or both
(a) from sparql-protocol types, reference an .xsd that gives a "stub" definition of rdf:RDF
<kendall> LeeF: 1. Change the normative XSD to reference a basic RDF schema
<kendall> LeeF: 2. Fork the XSD to have a copy for the WSDL 1.1
2. ... and keep the existing XSD description of rdf:RDF
3. Fork the XSD to have a stub XSD declaration of rdf:RDF for the WSDL 1.1, and a relax-ng description for normative WSDL 2.0
3. Fork the XSD. One copy has a stub XSD declaration of rdf:RDF for the WSDL 1.1. The other has a relax-ng description for normative WSDL 2.0
considered both stub XSD and relax-ng descriptions of rdf:RDF, but it doesn't seem to be technically possible.
Elias: I don't see much concrete benefit to using the relanx-ng description of rdf:RDF in this context
<LeeF> That was Elias
<kendall> PROPOSED: To add a new schema doc, rdf.xsd, which sparql protocol types document imports.
(the "stub" should say 'any', plus have a link to the RDF/XML scpec)
<LeeF> It's a choice between sucking but allowing tools to work easily, and not sucking but not allowing tools to work without jumping through hoops.
so RESOLVED. Hayes abstaining
<kendall> 0 objections, PatH abstaining
<kendall> thx
<DaveB> see rdf.xsd in
<scribe> ACTION: KC to review sparql-types for xs:any weirdness [recorded in]
ACTION 6 = KC: review sparql-types for xs:any weirdness, w.r.t. WSDL 2.0 constraints
<DaveB> <soap:operation style="document" soapAction="" />
KC's actions to send WSDL comments are DONE...
<scribe> ACTION: DanC to notifty DAWG of WSDL response to our WSDL comments [recorded in]
<kendall> Is it feasible or sensible to add the WSDL 1.1 stuff as an appendix of our spec?
<kendall> KC: Wondering whether the normative spec should reference the WSDL 1.1 Note.
<kendall> Elias & Lee (?) seem to be okay with that
<EliasT> Yes.
<scribe> ACTION: EliasT to elaborate on how to use this WSDL 1.1 stuff with tools [recorded in]
<EliasT> that was Lee
ACTION 8 = Lee: elaborate on how to use this WSDL 1.1 stuff with tools
<scribe> ACTION: KC, EricP to review WSDL 1.1 sparql protocol publication candidate, once a candidate pointer is mailed to the WG [recorded in]
<kendall> I want the right to say Elias is a big meanie! :>
<scribe> ACTION: DanC to help with SOTD of WSDL 1.1 sparql protocol [recorded in]
<patH> kendall, I think its in the constitution.
ACTION 9 = DanC: publish WSDL 1.1 sparql protocol note, contingent on thumbs-up from KC, EricP, Lee/Elias
-> 1.493 stuff on < and ORDER
<ericP> http://unagi/2001/sw/DataAccess/rq23/#defn_Ordered
<ericP> The "<" operator (see the Operator Mapping Table) defines the relative order of pairs of numerics, xs:dateTimes and xs:strings.
<ericP> If the ordering condition is a named variable, RDF Literals are compared with the "<" operator (see below) where
<ericP> possible.
<scribe> ^ new and older, resp.
<ericP> 2005-09-27T11:30:39Z <ericP> i.e. if ?a has the bindings "b", "a", "c", we want to ORDER ?a and ORDER str(?a) to be the same
<DaveB> at
<scribe> DONE: ACTION Pat: summarize the entailment consensus
<scribe> ACTION: Bijan to take a pass through the editor's draft, listing what will change with the new semantics understanding, and what will not [CONTINUES] [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: Enrico to take a pass through the editor's draft, listing what will change with the new semantics understanding ... [CONTINUES] [recorded in]
-> test reviews
everything under SyntaxDev, as discussed in 0470
ammendment: don't approve syntax-struct-04.rq
<scribe> ACTION: EricP to fix test schema to match manifest with negative tests [recorded in]
<DaveB> there are two other duplicates: syntax-form-construct05.rq and syntax-form-ask-01.rq
<AndyS> nor syntax-form-construct06.rq, syntax-form-ask-02
PROPOSED: to approve SyntaxDev, as discussed in 0470, without dups
AFS: grammar is in yakker, not yet in rq23... also there's some BNODE renaming stuff...
<scribe> ACTION: AFS to propose resolution to punctuationSyntax, folding recent yakker grammar into editor's draft [recorded in]
<LeeF> DanC, ericP or whomever else: EliasT has CVS check-in access under DataAccess, but if it's not a problem I could use it also to expedite getting the wsdl 1.1 stuff up there
<LeeF> If it's a problem, I'll just get Elias to do it for me :-)