Re: layout changes in operator mapping and descriptions

Seaborne, Andy wrote:
. . .

> Other 3:
> This is an observation and unrelated to the new format. I found in 11.1.1
> """
> XML Schema defines a set of types derived from decimal: integer; 
> nonPositiveInteger; negativeInteger; long; int; short; byte; 
> nonNegativeInteger; unsignedLong; unsignedInt; unsignedShort; 
> unsignedByte and positiveInteger. These are all treated as decimals for 
> arithmetic operations in FILTERs. SPARQL does not specifically require 
> integrity checks on derived subtypes.
> """
> I agree it does not lead to an observable difference (because we have 
> only one version of divide) but the language is different in F&O where 
> it says "integer + integer => integer", not decimal.
> Second table -
> If a custom function were to provide idiv, op:numeric-integer-divide, 
> then the difference would observable because the types of input affect 
> the value out.
> Hmm - that is at odds with the principle that SPARQL operates on values. 
> 1/2 should not depend on whether it's "1"^^xsd:integer or 
> "1"^^xsd:double (in the presence of D-entailment at least).

I was wrong - the definition of op:numeric-integer-divide doesn't lead to this 


>     Andy

Received on Saturday, 22 October 2005 19:34:52 UTC