1.71 editor's draft ready for LC pub


A few issues to report:

I had to soften the compliance language in the proto spec because we had
unwittingly made it too strong. Instead of saying the only SOAP bindings
that a compliant service could export were the ones we describe, we needed
to have said the only SOAP bindings with HTTP as the underlying transport...
I changed the spec, per DanC's advice as chair, to reflect this softening.
And I'm sending this message to the WG to inform its members of that change
(since we voted on the language or something...)

The rest of the changes since 1.68 or thereabouts concern either document
production issues that are not relevant here or are changes that were part
of the decision to go to LC. The changelog is pretty good if yr interested.

URIs if yr following along at home:

$Revision: 1.71 $ of $Date: 2005/09/12 14:14:29 $

$Id: sparql-protocol-types.xsd,v 1.12 2005/09/12 14:15:31 kclark Exp $

(Hmm, this doc has an CVS $Id:$ as its <xs:schema version=""> attribute
value -- that seems problematic suddenly... Is it?)

$Id: sparql-protocol-query.wsdl,v 1.13 2005/09/12 14:16:43 kclark Exp $

Kendall Clark
In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.  
					  --George Orwell

Received on Monday, 12 September 2005 14:26:46 UTC