Re: construct test case, revised

On Mon, Aug 08, 2005 at 01:28:54PM -0500, Dan Connolly wrote:

> I'm not sure what the syntax rules are, but multiple FILTERs,
> i.e. FILTER e1 FILTER 2 would surely mean the same thing as
> FILTER e1 && e2, right?

Yes. I was just finding them easier to read.

> I think what you want is
>   FILTER ( ! (
>      ?s == myfoaf:kendall && ?p == foaf:knows && ?o == myfoaf:edd ) )
> or if there's another triple you want to filter out:
>   FILTER ( ! (
>      ?s == myfoaf:kendall && ?p == foaf:knows && ?o == myfoaf:edd )
>      && ! ( ?s = subj && ?p = pred && ?o = obj ) )
> and so on.

Yep, that works. Wordy as hell, but it works. Thanks.


Received on Monday, 8 August 2005 20:10:16 UTC