Re: [Fwd: Editorial comment on SPARQL Query Language Last Call]

On Mon, 2005-08-01 at 15:03 +0100, Seaborne, Andy wrote:
> In, 
> Ivan points out that the text in 2.8 about blank node syntactic forms does not 
> cover the cases of using [:p :v] as a subject or object not for (1 2 3).
> I have added (v1.449):
> file:///C:/home/afs/W3C/DataAccess/rq23/Overview.html#syntaxMisc

I've read too many descriptions of N3/turtle/sparql; I can't
tell if this text has any hidden gotchas. I'd like another pair
of eyeballs. Dave? Steve? Somebody else?

> """
> This allocated blank node label can be used as the subject or object of further 
> triple patterns. For example, as a subject:
> [ :p "v" ] :q "w" .
> _:b57 :p "v" .
> _:b57 :q "w" .
> and as an object:
> :x :q [ :p "v" ] .
> :x  :q _:b57 .
> _:b57 :p "v" .
> """
> and also in the section on RDF Collections:
> """
> When used with collection elements, such as (1 ?x 3) then triple patterns and 
> blank nodes are allocated for the collection and the blank node at the head of 
> the collection can be used as a subject or object in other triple patterns.
> (1 ?x 3) :p "w" .
> is a short form for:
>    _:b0  :p  "w" .
>    _:b0  rdf:first  1 .
>    _:b0  rdf:rest   _:b1 .
>    _:b1  rdf:first  ?x .
>    _:b1  rdf:rest   _:b2 .
>    _:b2  rdf:first  3 .
>    _:b2  rdf:rest   rdf:nil .
> """
> 	Andy
Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Monday, 1 August 2005 17:07:41 UTC