Possible SPARQL test case fixes

Hopefully these are OK for me to just commit the fixes myself.
I don't think any of these files are involved in approved tests if I
read http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/ correctly.

  Contains ORDER BY ASC[] instead of ORDER BY ASC()

  Fix: replace with ORDER BY ASC()

  Uses undefined string escape \. in "example\.com"

  Fix: replace \. with \\.

  Uses undefined string escape \. in "example\.com"

  Fix: replace \. with \\.

  Contains a CVS/RCS header in a comment so when I import it into
  my CVS, it gets modified each time which is rather annoying.
  This is the only such file with this problem.

  Fix: remove header.

  Missing PREFIX foaf:
  Syntax error - '.' after PREFIX pref: <uri>

  Fix: add prefix, remove .

  Missing PREFIX foaf:
  Syntax error - '.' after PREFIX pref: <uri>

  Fix: add prefix, remove .


Received on Wednesday, 13 July 2005 13:15:22 UTC