agenda: RDF Data Access 12 Jul

1. Convene, take roll, review records and agenda
  2005-07-05T14:30Z **local times below

  tel:+1.617.761.6200 code:7333
  supplementary IRC chat:irc://
    log to appear:

scribe: SteveH

  record for review:
   $Revision: 1.6 $ of $Date: 2005/07/08 16:55:52 $

next meeting: 19 July. Scribe volunteer?

continue the following without discussion:

ACTION DanC: add a count/aggregate issue; note postponed 28 Jun
Action DanC: respond to timbl re str/uri (useMentionOp)
ACTION DanC: follow up on comment re: INSERT...

comments on agenda?

There's perhaps room for more. Ideas?

2. new requirement on handling bnodes?

ACTION: PatH to consider implications of answering bNode bindings with
created URIs

ACTION: KendallC to ask Bijan to consider implications of answering
bNode bindings with created URIs

3. SPARQL QL publication

ACTION: EricP to refine definitions extraction

ACTION: EricP clarify which regex lang, new section ericp; have AndyS
check it.

ACTION: PatH to review new optionals defintions, if any

ACTION: DanC to write SOTD; work with EricP to publish

@@. punctuationSyntax

ACTION: JosD to fix up syntax-qname-08-rq and syntax-qname-14-rq

**local times:

@prefix tlt: <> .
@prefix cal: <> .
      [      tlt:localTime  (
            "Tue 4:30 PM"  ),
            "Tue 4:30 PM"  ),
            "Tue 9:30 AM"  ),
            "Tue 5:30 PM"  ),
            "Tue 3:30 PM"  ),
            "New York"
            "Tue 10:30 AM"  ),
            "Tue 4:30 PM"  ),
            "Tue 11:30 PM"  ),
            "Tue 7:30 AM"  );
             cal:dtstart  [
                 cal:dateTime "2005-07-12T14:30Z" ] ].

Dan Connolly, W3C
D3C2 887B 0F92 6005 C541  0875 0F91 96DE 6E52 C29E

Received on Monday, 11 July 2005 16:25:20 UTC