( items ) patterns used in queries

Hi, Kendall

When I said in the tcon that we used bnodes in queries to query billions
of triples I basically meant  ( items ) patterns used in queries
and the billions is when we do "24 hours a day - 7 days a week" tests :)

A typical scenario is select some relevant sets of triples out of
relational databases using some running code like
which generically maps a database-table-collumn to an RDF-property
such as <http://host.domain/database/table#collumn>. HTTP GET of
http://host.domain/database.url-encoded-SQL-SELECT-query then gives
triple set
  [ table1:collumn1 value01; table2:collumn2 value02; ... ].
  [ table1:collumn1 value11; table2:collumn2 value12; ... ].

Out of those we make e.g. OWL constructs like :C1 owl:oneOf (:v1 :v2)
or triples like in 

Those triples are then further queried with ( items ) patterns
using N3 filter rules {WHERE-triples} => {CONSTRUCT-triples} like in
and as you can see there are those ( items )'s in the {WHERE-triples}

Jos De Roo, AGFA http://www.agfa.com/w3c/jdroo/

Received on Tuesday, 5 July 2005 20:56:48 UTC